Friday, March 14, 2014

SDN Applications Alone Do Not Meet Customer Needs for Visibility and Security on Large-Scale Networks.

By: Andrew R. Harding, Vice President of Products

Last week I wrote about how the term “network TAP” is being misused in the SDN world. I explained how engineers might combine TAPs, NPBs, and SDN in a solution, using the joint IBM and VSS Monitoring “ConvergedMonitoring Fabric” as an example. And, in the last week, the leading SDN proponent announced a "TAP"--that is, an automated SPAN configuration tool that works with OpenFlow switches. It's an interesting announcement, which you can read about here: The announcement was made at the Open Networking Summit, the annual meeting of the Open Networking Foundation (ONF). (

ONF, which has been led by Dan Pitt since 2011, and which some say has been driven by Nick McKeown from behind the curtains at Stanford, is moving from shepherding the OpenFlow specification to delivering an open-source project. ( This event is worth noting because their fist SDN application is an “aggregation tap” that works with an OpenFlow controller and OpenFlow switches. This is quite a development for the ONF, which had spurned open source in the past and left white space in the SDN arena for single vendor driven projects (like the languishing Project Floodlight) and multi-vendor projects like Open Daylight (ODL). ( But it's not a TAP. This application requires tapping and TAPs to access traffic. An OpenFlow switch, alone, can't get traffic from the production network, and spanning ports directly from a production OpenFlow switch encounters precisely the same issues as traditional attempts at using SPAN.

Dan Pitt, speaking for the ONF, asserts that the project is merely an educational tool and that the open-source project, called “SampleTap,” is a “non-invasive, experimental project.” That sounds very much like the initial positioning for some SDN applications from embattled SDN startups, which touted their own "tapping" SDN application as “your first production SDN application.” The passive nature of tapping traffic and then aggregating that tapped traffic does make the use case a safe starting point for SDN. TAPs don't perturb the network. Combining TAPs with NPBs delivers visibility into network data. For simple use cases, such as educational and lab deployments, this open-source SDN application might provide a starting point for software engineers needing to learning about the network or networking engineers who are investigating SDN. SDN code alone, however, fails to provide visibility and fails to improve security on large scale networks. SDN applications alone, open-source or commercialized, do not meet those customer needs because:
  • Tools must be optimized. Switches can’t do this. They are limited to link aggregation, and very few production OpenFlow switches even support LAG.
  • Traffic must be groomed. Current switches cannot re-write packets. They cannot support port and time stamping. They can only support basic aggregation and filtering.
  • Monitoring fabric = hardware-accelerated meshed forwarding system. OpenFlow cannot do this today. NPBs and the vMesh architecture do this today.
  • Initial tapping is required. No SDN offering supports a complete solution from TAPs to passive NPB to active use cases.
  • Latency of white-box & commodity silicon switches is unacceptable for many applications.

SDN Apps alone are incomplete and must rely on NPBs and TAPs. This sample application remains an intriguing development. This application runs atop the Open Daylight SDN Controller, the same platform as the converged monitoring fabric from VSS Monitoring and IBM. In a demo of the application, which is based on Java and HTML5, a multi-switch system that supports aggregation and OpenFlow filters was shown. Very basic unidirectional service insertion , a basic approach to augmenting switch functionality with functions available only on remote systems was also shown. This service insertion approaches show the pre-cursor to tool chaining and service chaining, which have been something of a holy grail in networking. The idea of “insertion” and “chaining” goes all the way back to Cisco’s venerable Service Insertion Architecture and Juniper’s “service chaining vision,” announced in 2013 with meager results thereafter. Using complex routing configurations or overloading ancient protocols such as WCCP in pursuit of chaining has been a bugaboo that led to many a network outage over the year, so chaining is an important concept in networks.

Robust service chaining can actually be delivered today—and is deployed in many large-scale networks today. In monitoring networks, the chaining of performance tools and passive IDS systems utilizes VSS Monitoring’s vBrokers. In active security deployments, service chaining for production traffic uses VSS vProtector, which was designed to provide simple, fail-safe service chaining. Today, to deliver functionality that can be demonstrated in an educational application, such as SampleTap from ONF, network engineers need commercial systems. 

As such applications evolve from OpenFlow 1.0 to the more recent and far more robust OpenFlow 1.3 standard, projects such as this sample application represent a new tool for investigating SDN in a well-known use case. This application can also help us clarify the differences between TAPs, NPBs, and SDN aggregation applications, and it might just foreshadow a method for combining SDN systems with NPBs. In discussions about the sample application, Dan Pitt has assured his listeners that there are no plans to turn SampleTap into a product. His goal is advancing OpenFlow, not delivering products, he said.

This announcement might just be a milestone: maybe OpenFlow 1.3 or a follow up version of the specification will mark the point at which users really need to consider integrating OpenFlow support more broadly and expecting that it will be used widely. The announcement stated that the application was tested with available OpenFlow switches and that the source will be available on ONF’s Github repository soon and licensed under the Apache 2.0 open-source license. The ONF has sponsored the job of building an application atop the OpenDayLight controller, which might be the death knell of earlier projects, such as the Floodlight controller, which seems to be languishing as its sponsor pivots to a new business focus. I look forward to further use of OpenFlow and integration between OpenFlow monitoring points and network packets brokers, such as that available from IBM and VSS Monitoring today. As for the open source sample application, we all just need to wait a few days, to get past the demo and get access to the code…

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